Getting to the Heart of the Issue

Practice session discussion

Discussion - Getting to the Heart of the Issue



  • Great tool to educate to the work you do
  • Give people an opportunity to experience the work at low risk
  • How much to charge for a workshop?
  • It's up to you, I typically charge $20-$25 per hour
  • Offer VALUE
  • A free workshop is a great idea if you have a plan to upsell your audience to the next level!

What people will pay for is VALUE

How do we determine what is valuable and to whom?

What's in it for me?

  • This is the question people want answered before making a commitment.
  • You, the student, have seen the value in making an investment to your own knowledge base.
  • You probably considered the return on your investment.
  • How many clients, workshops, do you see and receive payment from before you are at a break even?

Managing the Energy of the Room

Watch the energy and diffuse any foreseeable conflict

Bring students attention back to you when they start to pull it off

Practice standing up in front of a small group, take control of the room.

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